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How Replenish Big Bear recovers our lost water

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One Water

A new water legacy


The current water cycle is broken. Our only source of water enters as precipitation, then flows into the lake or soaks into the ground to become groundwater. After our community uses groundwater for our potable water needs, the wastewater is treated at our local treatment plant and pumped out of the Valley to irrigate crops in Lucerne Valley. Through this current practice—simply a method of disposal—we are losing millions of gallons of local water each day.


Replenish Big Bear recovers and purifies our lost water and uses it to enhance water levels in the Valley. This new supplemental water source will be used to recharge the local groundwater basin, which will help protect our community's drinking water supply. To help reduce infrastructure needs for the Program while also providing additional benefits, the Program water will be discharged to Stanfield Marsh then flow through to Big Bear Lake where it can later be extracted for groundwater recharge. A portion of the Program water will remain in the Lake and help increase Lake levels in dry years.


The water is treated to drinking water standards and used to enhance water levels in the lake, other area water bodies, and our groundwater basin.


of the Valley's water is disposed of each year. This amounts to more than half a year's worth of water for Big Bear Valley.

All water has value.

Replenish Big Bear keeps more of our water in the Valley, and represents a new way of thinking about our most essential natural resource—that all water has value.

How it works

Replenish Big Bear will use advanced treatment processes to treat water currently piped out of the Valley, and use it to restore water levels above and below ground within the Big Bear Valley.  

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Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades & Solar Evaporation Ponds

BBARWA will be leading the expansion of Big Bear’s existing wastewater treatment technologies with advanced technology to produce about 800 million gallons per year of high-quality drinking water. The upgrade will also include solar evaporation ponds and monitoring wells.


Shay Pond Discharge Project 

The Shay Pond Discharge Project would replace the potable water source that is currently discharged to the Shay Pond with Program Water as the new water source to maintain the water flow through the Pond. Up to 80 AFY of Program Water may be sent to Shay Pond to support the Stickleback, and any remaining Program Water will be sent to Stanfield Marsh, a tributary of Big Bear Lake. This BBARWA, BBCCSD, and BBLDWP Project is a future opportunity.


Stanfield Marsh /
Big Bear Lake Discharge Project

Up to 2,200 AFY of Program Water is proposed to be discharged to the east end of Stanfield Marsh, which will then flow into Big Bear Lake. This is a BBARWA Project.


Sand Canyon Recharge Project 

Up to 380 AFY of Program Water stored in Big Bear Lake will be used for groundwater recharge at the Sand Canyon Recharge Area over a six-month dry weather period. The cost of this project is not included in the $75 million Program cost estimate. This is a BBCCSD and BBLDWP Project that will be completed after a permit is issued.

Other Potential Uses

Program Water stored in the Lake could be used for other beneficial uses such as dust control.


As clean as from the tap  

The water used to replenish water levels throughout Big Bear Valley will exceed even state and federal drinking water standards.


Our path to a secure water future

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Additional funding options are being evaluated, including grants and low-interest loans.


The Final EIR will be considered for certification on Wednesday, July 24, 2024. For more information, click here.


The Program Team is working with regulators to ensure the Program meets all local, state, and federal requirements in a cost-effective way.


The Project team is documenting the regulatory background, engineering analysis, design criteria, and project delivery approach in a Preliminary Design Report, which will be completed Fall of 2024.


A pilot facility was constructed and operated to confirm the treatment processes. The Pilot Report is anticipated to be completed in Summer 2024.






Complete final design details to start construction.


Upgrades to the treatment plant and supporting infrastructure will be constructed and tested during a start-up period.



Start discharging high-quality water to Big Bear Lake!

Estimated Costs and Grants

Total Project Cost: $86,654,517 (in 2025 dollars)
Total Grants Awarded and Recommended: $27M (as of June 2024)

To read more about the grants below, visit the News page. 

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Costs shown above are for BBARWA-led treatment upgrades and piping to Stanfield Marsh/Big Bear Lake. The Sand Canyon recharge facilities will be funded separately and total approximately $3.5M.

"Together, we will keep a valuable water resource in the Valley. The benefits of the Program will support recreation so our tourism economy can continue to thrive, improve the habitat for our area's fish and wildlife, and protect our essential water supplies for years to come."


- David Lawrence, BBARWA General Manager

Working today to secure water for a thriving Big Bear Valley tomorrow.
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